Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Masters Photos

"Minor White"

 The photographer my group and I chose Minor White as our photgrapher. He is a photographer from Minnesota who was strong beliefs on pictures being spiritual and having more meaning within each picture that is taken. Our group was inspired to choose this photographer because of his pictures. His pictures are very well taken and beautiful. He takes many different type of pictures and has been a lot of places to do so. We was also inspired by his background. He worked hard to become the photographer he is and never gave up through in downfalls he had. He even took pictures in the war so he has a lot of experience when it comes to taking pictures. He is a big fan of black and white pictures and also he has a lot of pictures of landscape and also portraits. 

Potrait Photos of teachers/administrators

Friday, December 6, 2013

Portraits Influenced by the Masters

Minor Martin White

 Minor Martin White is a photographer from Minnesota. He was born on July 9, 1908 and earned a degree in botany and a minor in english from the University of Minnesota in 1933. He worked various jobs mainly focusin on Photography. After he took pictures in the war, he began taking photos that expresses his intelluctual ways. Minor believed pictures are spirtual and all pictures have a meaning within the artist's mind. Minor was a big fan of black and white pictures including landscape.  

This photo by Minor Martin in New York in 1958 
This was taking in San Francisco in 1949.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Portraits - How Can You Take Better Portraits

10 tips for taking Portraits 

  1. Stunning Portraits
  2. Children Portraits
  3. Traveling Portraits
  4. Asking Permission
  5. Posing Tips - Shoulders
  6. Posing Tips - Waistlines. Thighs, and Bustlines
  7. Hand Portraits
  8. What to Wear in Portraits
  9. Natural Looking Portraits
  10. Quick Tips
I learned that it is very important to ask permission before taking any photo that is of someone else but don't force them to take it. Posing naturally but with a certain way you position yoour shoulders or thighs you can make a photo simply look stunning. I also learned that you should wear things that is relevant to your photo or what you're trying to explain. You also can tell a story not necessarily from the face or background but from even your hands.